Featured Speaker

Ethan Gross 3

Ethan A. Gross, JD

Chief Executive Officer

Ethan A. Gross, JD, is Chief Executive Officer of Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International, where he exclusively represents property owners during the insurance claims process. Before joining Globe Midwest™ as a fourth-generation public adjuster, he worked as an attorney specializing in first-party insurance litigation. 

Mr. Gross presents on insurance claims issues to professional groups throughout the country and publishes frequently on a variety of property insurance claim topics. He also presents insurance courses certified by the State of Michigan for continuing education credits. Mr. Gross is a member of the American and Michigan Bar Associations as well as the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters. He is the current president of the Michigan Association of Public Insurance Adjusters. 

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summer storm damage
Summer Storm v2

Tornado & Windstorm Damage Insurance Claims

Tornado and windstorm insurance claims are complex, time-consuming, and stressful. Our licensed public adjusters manage your property insurance claim so you can focus on your business.